I have officially entered the blogging world. "One small step for Todd, one giant leap for blogger.com"...I'm pretty sure that's what Armstrong would say if he were here in Provo with me right now. haha Well, I've decided that it would be a good idea to have a platform where I can share the things, testimony, and principles that I have learned in my short sojourn here on Earth so far. So buckle up kids, and I hope this benefits anybody who reads this, I know it will benefit me. My mission president said the best way to invite the spirit was to bear testimony, that piece of advice has really stuck with me.
A main reason I've chosen the Holy Ghost as the first topic I wanted to share about is because of the PROFOUND impact it has on my life. When I first experienced feeling the spirit in my life, it totally changed my personal views, and how I went about my life. From the first day I experienced God answering my prayers to this very day it has effected almost essentially all of my decisions. That really is the power of the Holy Ghost, the power to change the human heart.
The first time I recognized and experienced the Holy Spirit in my life was in the MTC in South Africa. Previous to my mission I had lived a fairly good life but definitely not one in line with somebody who truly has been converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I entered my mission, without a testimony, however I was willing to work. I remember that I was for once in my life dedicating myself to God and service, and I prayed to Him that I might know if what I was doing was true. I promised I would work hard if God told me it was true. He did, I remember one of the following days being in class and experiencing the feeling of the Holy Ghost for the first time. What a GREAT feeling, I never wanted to be without the feeling of the Spirit from then on. My conscience was awakened and I felt bad for everything I had ever done that I hadn't even though about before...haha because in my life I knew now God was there, and the things I had done in my life were wrong. For me that was so huge for me in my life, just to know that God was there. I KNEW GOD LIVED. I knew he existed. It changed me forever.
Since then I have felt the Holy Ghost many times after in different situations and for different reasons. I hope one day I can become an expert at having Him with me and knowing what he would have me do. I just wanted to share one more thing about the Holy Ghost I have learned. I believe righteous actions invite the Holy Ghost. Someone might be thinking "That's not very profound"...thats because it isn't. haha The reason I share that, is because I love feeling the Holy Ghost but often feel like it can only come in special occasions or when I'm completely pure. However, I believe the Holy Ghost is just waiting for to confirm our righteous actions, if only we would DO them. Too often our priorities are messed up, whether it being wasting away in front of the T.V. or other time wasters. If we make righteousness a priority in our life, the Holy Ghost will make a priority of being with us. I fail so many times at thinking about doing good things, but not doing them. Often I let my current feelings control me, but I've learned if we put away our feelings, and just exercise our agency the blessings of the spirit will reward us for going against what our natural man would have us do.
Well, Hopefully I'll be on here regularly to share the things that I know and learn. I hope we can all share our testimonies with everyone. In fact I challenge anybody who reads this to bear their testimony of the Gospel in some form throughout the coming week. Jesus Christ Lives.
P.S. Are their anythings that have helped you invite the Holy Ghost in your life? I would love to hear!
Thanks for the information. Once very beneficial to us all. Awaited further information.
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