Monday, April 29, 2013

Happiness is a Choice

This is me acting like a fool. This summer I have decided to go on a campout on a month in a means to redeem my eagleless self. It started when I thought about wanting to go on a campout a month ago while I was working the night shift, and it has snowballed into me buying scout shirts and making up merit badges. It is quite ridiculous but I'm so glad I decided to do it. Happiness is a choice.
        If you're like me and when you hear "Happiness is a choice", you most likely think one is talking about simply changing your perspective or being more optimistic, which we sometime think (like me) that is a little bit of philosophical baloney. Although I go think that perspective is a big difference maker, I would like to take a different thought on "Happiness is a Choice".
      In my room I have a quote printed out that says "I'm so glad I decided to leave the house today." I think that is completely true. God has given us the great gift of agency to be able to choose to not only change our perspective but to ACT. Happiness comes from making those small decisions to act to become happy, whether its getting up out of your bed and visiting a friend, deciding to go to the gym, or to a social event. Most times before we make those small decisions, we have the strong urge to stay in our "comfort" zone, we have thoughts to just stay in, not talk to that person, or to not address what is bothering. The difficult part of happiness is being able to overcome those doubts and negative thoughts and feeling and being able to ACT, ACT our way to Happiness.
      Friends, that is something I have been learning in my life and more and more, is to give up those doubts, fears, "comfort" zones, and to become what God wants us to be and that is someone who is Happy. He has invited us to act and not to be acted upon, we are the masters of our destiny and the captains of our soul...the real question is do we have the will power to take the wheel and chart the course of life that we have control over. We do. I know it, and I hope we can continue to get better at overcoming those thoughts and fears and ACT for ourselves to be happy! I know I still have to make progress in this area but I hope to one day conquer myself in this dept. Have a Good Week Friends....and LEAVE THE HOUSE!

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